Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

and i am practicing my purpose once again...

December 02 2006

so wow. long time no post...

lot's has happened since November 18th. i made 3rd chair All-State in 2nd Alto (wooooot!), and all the glory goes to God for that one (along with everything else i've ever been able to do that is good), because He's the one who enabled me to do it, and i thank Him so much!!!! DBS Initiation was Monday night, and was great, although it took way too long. congrats to all you new members!!!

i started going to my small groups, and de-ang, it's amazing...i love my small group like a fat kid love cake. i also looooooove my Sunday School rhonda and ms. wendy are just possibly the coolest women in the world ( after my mom and Ms. Donna...)

formal is coming up soon, and hopefully the person i asked will be able to go with me...cause it would be extra sad if he didn't...

school is most definitely kicking my bum...but God has been very merciful in helping my teachers to chill out and helping me to understand most of my work...except chemistry...thank goodness i don't want to be a doctor anymore...gahlee...

i went on a college visit to University of Memphis and Rhodes College on Thursday. U of M was okay...but Rhodes was a-mazing. i wish i could post the pix i took....omgosh...i would love to go there...problem is, it costs $36,000 a no Rhodes for Cari....oh well. i'll be content with wherever God sticks me.

so what have i been learning lately? God has really be teaching me about having freedom in we are no longer slaves to sin, but slaves to righteousness...and that's not to say that we should try to be perfect or focus on works, because being perfect is impossible and works don't save....but just realizing that we can say no to Satan, and resist temptation. and yes, i fail on a regular basis. especially where my mouth is concerned. but it's so cool to see how God can change my heart when i am willing and i ask Him to. also, i started reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge, and it is awesome. i just feel so much more confident, but not in that, i don't need a man to complete me because i'm a modern amazon-woman (hear me roar)...i just mean that, i feel like i can wait for exactly the right person to come along, and in the mean time, i don't have to worry about it. i can totally focus my energies on God because that's where He wants them to be. cool beans.

everybody needs to come to my mom's concert tomorrow night, Sunday, December 3rd, 2006 @ 6:00 PM @ Belle Aire Baptist's sanctuary. i'll be singing in it as well! woot!

also....DECEMBER 7TH IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! and i'm not even doing anything...bah-humbug....hah...kidding. i'm just layin low this every year. ha. well, i gotta go ya'll. much love---Cari

kelsey shearron

December 02 2006
yippee..sounds good babe

the brian king kenobi

December 02 2006
ahem. i am offended by the description of the u of m as "okay." :P