Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

living is easy, with your eyes closed...

September 05 2006

so. school is going magnificently so far. with the exception of choir, which isn't bad, except i have not the most wonderful of dance partners. i know that i can't dance, but he doesn't even seem to try. and he does lovely things like burp and pass gas whilst dancing. oh the chivalry.

ha. nayways, i love my friends, but i love my God more. He is the only one who fills that need for consistency and faithfulness in my heart. and He has been revealing Himself to me big-time lately. it's super cool.

quick observation: life is short. don't waste it by trying to find your identity in things that don't last. and don't stress.

pretty sure that everyone around me is dating the person they've been after for years; i think it should be my turn. ha. j/k. well, i must do my homework de espanol...ha. much love and goodnight to all ----Cari