Cari Jennings


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Oakland High School


December 31 2005

so. went to see King Kong last night with the family. saw Elizabeth, Kate, Kayla, Stuart, Kelsey, and some other folks there. pretty sure that movie was an amalgam of every awful nightmare i've ever had. being chased by a giant T-rex, being covered in man eating cockroaches/giant disgusting leech/maggot things....but the worst part was the freaking people on skull island. they were all tribal, and insane....and really freakin scary. like i've seriously seen people like that in my know a movie's good when you leave feeling physically exhausted....but seriously, it was pretty awesome. i thought it was gonna be stupid. but it was pretty good. but i didn't sleep to great last night.  so yeah. i can't believe break is almost over. it went way too fast. oh well. i'm such a loser. no new year's parties to go to tonight. w/e. but wed. nite church is coming back, so that's good. and, so i don't die of a heart attack, i'm gonna start exercising again, plus i'mma be South Beachin' it. dag yo. but not as a New Year's resolution...because those never work. so yay. well, i gots ta go Wal-Martin...btw, Dirty Dancing is on right now....what a movie. bye guys ---Cari

currently listening : "Silver Spring" ---Fleetwood Mac

kayla hale

December 31 2005
haha i saw youuuu at king kkongggg lol

kelsey shearron

January 07 2006