Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

drop it like it's haaaaaaaawt....

December 30 2005
so last night was the McFadden reunion lockin. it's 3:10, and i've only been awake since three. in the afternoon. i hate sleeping like that. but anyways, the lock-in itsself wasn't all that exciting, but the people i hung out with were pretty cool. i mostly stuck with Abby, Carly, Redford, Andy, Spencer,...which was interesting to say the least. karaoke was funny, until of course certain people decided to monopolize the mic and do white boy rap....oy. it was still funny though. we had some wonderful adventures with a big plastic black Santa Claus. i wish i knew how to post pictures, cause we got some great ones. dag yo. but i was kinda all PMS-y, so i'm sure i was kind of a weiner. certain people just grated my last nerve. but that's ok. it was fun to see everyone. Christmas was great. lots of fun with my family. my cousins were pretty normal this time. and we took some great pics out in my g-parents neighborhood. plus, i got lots of cool stuff. but of course, there were some pretty awesome worship experiences, especially considering the funk i had been in since Thanksgiving. word to your mother. i gotta go stop my sister and her friend from burning down the house. bye guys. Happy New Year! ---Cari

Kalli Nicole

December 30 2005
Lol. Gotta love that plastic Santa