Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

people suck....

December 04 2005
don't you just love it when people who are supposed to Christians, even Christian leaders totally let you down? don't you just love doubletalk and double standards? don't you just love LIARS AND FAKES? anyways. thus is my rant du jour. church was really good today. and i'm doin a lot better. Mr Tackett agreed to sponsor me for Model UN conference, so i get to go! yay. i definitely didn't get into Key Club...oh well. more play practice tomorrow. should be fun. i'mma be SIXTAYN on WEDNESDAY! BUY MY PRESENTS! j/k. as long as you tell me happy birthday. i'mma goin to Jason mraz on friday! WOOOOOOOOOT! Christmas time's a'comin...i'm excited as a mug. so yeah. life's good....if only i had a boyfriend.....oh well. someday...much love--Cari