Cari Jennings


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

emo day in cariland

June 20 2005
have you ever ripped a band-aid off a wound when it's not ready to come off yet? and it just hurts and bleeds, almost worse than when you got injured? that's how i feel right now. so many emotions right now. but most i feel like crap. i was having an okay day. but man. I MISS BRUCE. gah. and i was such a butthead to him. it really is true that you don't know what you've got til it's gone. i was just starting to come to terms with the fact that he's dead. and i just ripped that protective band-aid right off. i was reading his journal and gosh. he was so amazing. and i was such a jerk to him. he was my best friend, and my rock, and i scolded him for the dumbest things. he wrote this on april 20th, 04. "...out of all my closest friends, i always thought Cari was the one who would never give up on me. I always thought she would be the one to understand. The one to see me through thick and thin. I never would have thought, but i guess i was wrong. She told me I was melodramatic and she was tired of it. I am melodramatic and i am a freaking emotional warhead about to blow. But no matter how bad i got, i always thought she would be there and never get tired of my stupid senseless crap. But like more times than not, i was wrong. Out of all my disappointments I have to say that this one is the worst.".....GOD!....i am just sitting here crying because that breaks my heart. i was such a bad friend to him, and this really makes me realize that i need to buck up and get over myself. i love you all so much, and i wouldn't trade anything for you. i take so much for granted...

Rachael Moore

June 20 2005
cari, my dear sweet love, this is the thing: we all do and say some stupid things we don't mean to do. this is human nature. we ARE NOT perfect. i know there has to be some things he did that upset you, but eventually you forgave him. and i know it was the same with him. just by watching you two when you were together, it was obvious that he cared about you and that you two were best friends. don't let satan bring you down by making you believe the lies he is feeding you. bruce cared about you and you were a good friend. remember we are not perfect and all make mistakes. bruce lived to be like Jesus, meaning that he would forgive like Jesus. i love you! and i will be praying for you. if you need to talk give me a call! i hope your day gets better beautiful!

the brian king kenobi

June 20 2005
i'm praying for you and here if you ever need to rant.

Abby Dee

June 20 2005
woah, cari.. listen to yourself. you KNOW you were Bruce's best friend. i know it. he loved you. even if he was hurt by you at the time he wrote that doesn't mean you were a "horrible" friend to him! c'mon! it was a journal.. everyone just writes out of their head in their journal... it's not meant to be read by anyone else.. so you let your guard down.. he WAS a little melodramatic.. i think everyone knew it. you were just one of the few people brave enough to say it to his face. that just shows how close you were.. i know he forgave you for stuff like that. he loved your strait-forwardness! he had to! i know, i know... i miss him so much, too!!! it's hard to function without him. i love you CARI JENNINGS --i'm praying for you-- we're all a little EMO sometimes...

Abby Dee

June 21 2005


June 26 2005
hey its lauren! what grade r u in again? holla back! *lauren*