Fall Break

October 09 2005
Florida was very nice then I come home to this COLD weather haha. There were surfers at our beach and 1 gave us his number. His name was Evan. We had fun! I got to bring Leah and we had fun goofing off and everything like that.
Life is good right now. Been studying A LOT for the ACT, which I take again in 2 weeks. I'm scared. I have 3 college applications to fill out and that scares me too. I want to grow up and graduate, yet I'm scared to leave home and be on my own. It's a lot of responsibility. Oh well, I'll focus on other things first...


October 09 2005
The ACT isn't as horrible as it seems, but I won't lie and not say that it isn't slightly scary, because it is a little bit. The fact that you're studying will help you out.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 09 2005
Glad y'all had an awesome trip.

Super Ste

October 13 2005
i wanted to make sure you know about my bday party. info is on my phusebox.