
July 21 2005
Ok so today I turned 18 and another year is behind me. I look back and see how much I've changed and all that I've been through in the past year. It never ceases to amaze me, all the memories. I had a sleepover last night and 6 girls spent the night at my house (my poor dad). My car got decorated last night and it is so cute! We stayed up talking until 2 I think which wasn't too bad but I couldn't stay up too late because I had senior pics today and couldn't look bad for them. So this morning Leah and Megan came into the bonus room and sang me happy birthday at 7:53, the time I was born! Then 3 people stayed and got Mary Kay makeovers then I went to a band meeting for 30 minutes and then I was off to senior pics at 3. Those should be exciting to see when I get them back. I hope they turn out ok. I barely got back in time for our band practice from 6-9 tonight from the senior pics. I think I walked into practice at 5:59 or somethin. So after band I walk out and I'm starving and about to go to my birthday dinner at O'Charley's and I get practically ambushed by Leah, Megan, Malory, Kelly and Jeremy. They attacked me with silly string and confetti! It was so much fun. Then they had tied a balloon to my car and it's a princess balloon! I have to say that I've had THE BEST birthday ever!!!! I love you all very very much! Thanks to those who helped make it such a wonderful day!


July 21 2005
happy Birthday to my sister who turned 18 early this morning. by the way, i have no clue how this is going to turn out.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 21 2005
I'm glad your birthday was awesome. I hope the next year is just as incredible for you.


July 22 2005
Walking the thin line between making you feel special and embarassing the crap out of you... I love you Becky!


July 22 2005
glad you had a great bday


July 22 2005
18... whoa you have an early birthday for a senior! Well happy late birthday!

Anna Miller

July 22 2005
my birthday is even earlier, lol. last day of june. i'm old too.


July 22 2005
I had to wash it off today too...