
May 30 2006
I'm sitting in my dad's office.  He's in a meeting until 3 and then we get to go to the lake.  I got burnt yesterday at the lake so it could be interesting there today although it will only be for 2 to 3 hours probably.  For those that don't know by now, I am working with my dad.  I sit on the assembly line putting together manual range locks.  It's actually not too bad of a job.  $7 per hour and 40 hours a week for 11 weeks this summer.  Not bad huh?  Worst thing is the hours:6 am to 2:30.  This, of course, means getting up at 4:45!  Oh well, it's worth it.  I was listening to my MP3 player today because I'm allowed to and I get bored otherwise and I got depressed.  I kinda miss things how they used to be but I know that my decision was for the best.  I just wish he would call....  I miss him.  I try to stay busy but listening to music and thinking doesn't help much.  If you have know idea what I'm talking about then ask me seperately and I might answer.  Hint: heartbreak.  Well now I'm gonna go delete my facebook and phusebox so dad doesn't look at them while he's working tomorrow.  Just wanted to update.  Things are good since I graduated and it's nice to be done with high school. 

Sarah Vermillion

May 30 2006
Hooray for good jobs. I could use a job. Any job. At all.

Chad Fisher

May 30 2006
hmm maybe i should post what i do all day long..


May 30 2006
omg call me fill a girl in...i love you know that and im always here for you...talk to you tomorrow or later tonight.

Chad Fisher

June 04 2006
no that wasnt anything.. i'll get something to do