Winterguard Competition

February 03 2006
Everyone mark your calendars for this weekend, February 4-5.  There is a winterguard competition at Oakland on Saturday and Sunday.  Saturday's starts at 11:30 or 12, I can't remember.  This competition is just drumline then guard starts at like 6 I think.  Oakland performs tomorrow night at about 9:15 or 9:30.  You should come support us if you have nothing else to do!  Also, if you can't come see us tomorrow then you could come on Sunday because we perform at 2:32 on Sunday afternoon.  Sunday's performance will probably be better but we'll see.  We ARE on home turf so we should do great both days, plus we've been practicing REALLY hard.  Well thats my news for the day.  Have a great superbowl weekend and be safe!   

Drew Mitchell

February 03 2006
2:32 what an odd time. Well good luck !

Sarah Vermillion

February 04 2006
I want to come see yoooooou.