Long week ahead and behind

October 23 2005

It's been awhile.  I've been very busy studying for the ACT and focusing on family and band.  I took the ACT yesterday.  It was..fun I guess?  My last band competition was yesterday and it was a very emotional day.  We also got our pictures back from fall break which I will be putting up here soon.  We did pretty well at MCI.  We made finals and Mr. Lawson made all the seniors cry when he said thanks for sticking with this band for the past three years!  It's always sad seeing men cry.  You never know how to react but to cry for yourself.  This morning in church we sang How Great Thou Art and my whole family started crying.  It was very sad.  It was her favorite song...  I did go to orchestra today and told Mrs. Mullen that I wouldn't be at the concert on Tuesday night and she understood the situation.  Please keep my family in your prayers.  It will be a very rough week.  Yesterday was just horrible.  I'm so sick of people talking about me.  Some people need to grow up and get lives of their own.  I'm starting to realize that I'm growing up.  I am, however, excited about going to the UT vs. Vandy game in November!!!  I guess this is long enough so I'll leave on that note.  I love you all!

Just added tons of new pics from Fall Break!  Be sure to check them out! 

Sarah Vermillion

October 23 2005
"Fun" isn't the exact word I would use to describe the ACT.


October 23 2005
I love you. Congrats on making finals and doing that well on your music. Mom said you got 2nd over all. Yay. Y'all really do deserve it. It's time that OHS takes it place right back up where they belong. Family will be around, and all is what you need is family, and maybe an occasional rum and coke, or something like that. I'm just pizzed that we have to stay at the S's and not a hotel.. or A's. It will be rough but we will get through.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 23 2005
I just want you to know the in spite of everything that has gone on in the past, I am very proud of your band accomplishments and I am glad you stuck to something that you loved. I am so sorry about your great-grandmother. I have only lost friends and family that was distant, and that was hard enough. Losing family that you truly knew and loved has got to be worse than I could imagine. I hurt for your entire family, and all of you will certainly be in my prayers. I just have to give you the same advice I gave Amy: if you have to cry, let it out. Driving yourself nuts wont do you or them any favors. I know you guys will make it through this. God Bless you guys, and know that my heart goes with all of your family in all things.


October 24 2005
Hey! I hope things get better. You know I always love you no matter what other people say about you. You are one of my best friends and don't let other people get you down. Plus it is just band kids and they exagerate anyways. I love you! Things should look up soon after all rush is almost over. I love you and hope you like me better when you get back.

Jessica Sanders

October 25 2005
omg! becky i hope you are feeling better...ive never lost anyone so i dont really know what to say..other then im thinking about you, on a different note..im going to the UT Vandy game too!!!!

Jessica Sanders

November 10 2005
I better be getting one of your senior pictures Becky!