whoop there it is

August 22 2005

plain day. nothing happened that's special. i don't think. so i have nothing to write.


i love you's: Kasey Brooker; Katie Kimbell; Kelsey Stroop, Shearron, Johnson, and Floyd; Britny Bryant; Hayley Cantrel; Abby Donnell; Jamie (abby's freshman); Sarah Walls, Gilbert, and Vermillion; Chelsey Warwick; Lauren Clap; Regina Whitehouse; Oday Manosin; Asia; Nana; Addie Baker; Carly Greenwell; Alan Whitley; Amanda Smallwood (Blender); Brett Tenpenny; Emily Pritchard; Liz Joines; Chris Lemyng; Linzy Thompson; Kaitlin Beck; Kyle Hayes; Libby; MariBeth Taglio; Mellie Riddle; Jane Woodard; Milly Hall; Meyekul Mulane; Michael Nobile; Ina Marshall; Niles; Noel Jones; Paige High; Rachel Edwards; Robert Jones; Shoe --no particular order

Sarah Vermillion

August 22 2005
*loves you back*

kelsey shearron

August 23 2005
you better love me after that awful thing you did to me(cheating on me with those hoes!..hah)...gaah stephen. i think maybe, just maybe, you are the coolest kid in the world.. loveloveloooove-kels