on a rainy monday

March 20 2006

so i went downstairs and there was this thing on the stove that looked like a cooked mole. and i said "mom, what is that?" and she goes "don't look at it...... it's a soy roast"

so i looked at it, and she starts to cut it. i say "that's not soy. that's a real roast"


and she's cutting it and she says "i cooked it in teriyaki" like that makes it okay. and i said "mom it's not soy"

and she just kinda shrugged and kept cutting it.

wtf. haha.

today was shit. comepletely. weather sucked. and i'm totally through with school.

my mom said that for spring break we can go to Atlanta and she's gonna buy me stuff at Urban Outfitters. the actual store! yay.  ^_^  that's the only reason i'd let her go with though.


Abby Dee

March 20 2006
man... you're a brat. hahah i love you, though (take me to atlanta)

Sarah Vermillion

March 20 2006
I loved the weather today. It may have made me late for school, but it also saved me from running a mile!


March 21 2006
wtf you lost me at soy roast! lol <3