where did the freshman, Lisa, get my number?

November 16 2005

omg... some people are weird... aparently little freshmen think i'm easy and can get phone sex from me just cause i'm gay. what the hell?! and i hope you're reading this - alex.

geez... do i come off as a typical gay slut?!

anyway... i was gonna write about how i hate this woman in our neighborhood that has this pet trap and will like, capture people's pets... and sometimes her son takes them and drops them off. she doesn't even have an effing fence!

people piss me off.


November 16 2005
LMAO PHONE SEX?!?! ....well u do look like the typical gay slut lol jk. i love u mucho

Nick Hawkins

November 16 2005
Some dumb lady in my neighborhood does that, she got my friends cat once...

Kylie Boy

November 17 2005
Aww, people think the same about me.