The Penguins are Psychotic!

June 16 2005
So Garrett and I went and saw Madagascar tonight. We both agreed that it was funny, but not quite what we expected it to be. My favorite part was probably when the penguins ended up in Antartica... and my favorite line was: "the penguins are psychotic!" I also loved the little furry creature... I don't think he had a name, but he was cute. Anyhow, While You Were Sleeping is on TV! But Dad just changed the channel... darn it... LOL... but anyways... so we were watching the previews before the movie, and Garrett nearly fell out of his chair laughing during The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl preview. It was pretty funny... that movie looks incredibly cheesy and dumb! We saw a new preview for Willy Wonka that made me want to see it more. The boy who plays Charlie is Peter from Finding Neverland... I love him because he is soooooo adorable! We also saw the Nicados (minus Lauren) at the movies as well as Graham's dad, who was getting a popcorn refill in the middle of Batman Begins (which looks like it might be a good movie as well. What did y'all think Drew and Graham?) Speaking of Belle Aire people, I saw Rachael Vance at the dermatologist. Well, I guess I'm going to get ready for bed now...

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 16 2005
Dude, Batman was freaking AWESOME. lol. Highly recommended in all regards. Aside from 8 year old girls. They cant see it. Cos I said. Good acting, action, and story. Didnt seem as long as it was. Excellent. Gets my recommendation.


June 17 2005
i agree about that movie!! lol!!! i thought it was gonna be better!!! o well!!! luv ya!!!

Nathan Moore

June 17 2005
ok. i loved madagascar... probably the funniest movie since napoleon dynamite.


June 17 2005
"we also saw the Nicdao's (minus Lauren)..." that makes me laugh. it makes me a little sad too lol...


June 17 2005
thats totally my sister. . . hmm...