Concerning A City, A People, and A Hope

March 18 2007
So I typed out most of what I wanted to share with y'all about New York in a Word document, and then I sort of stopped because I was tired of it. And then I never got back to it. And then the longer ago the trip was the less I cared about finishing it. And then I remembered that it was boring and journalistic anyhow (what I wrote, not the trip of course)! So in a nutshell...

It was great fun, freezing cold, challenging, and engaging. Ipassed out a lot of flyers and assembled a lot of Easter eggs. I talked to a Roman Catholic who believes that most any way to heaven is a good way. I talked to a guy who says that the Germans are the most decent and good people on earth and that mathematics holds the answers to the universe. I prayed earnestly over the city as God opened my eyes to the lonliness and pain there.

I survived on a diet of true NY style pizza, various forms of chicken (everything from strips to quesadillas to burritos), a tough cookie, bitter pasta, an amazing chocolate sundae, Airheads, a Subway meatball sandwich (I'm not a fan of Subway.. just for the record), chocolate muffins, water, Starbucks' white chocolate mocha, breakfast bars, and I think about one or two pieces of fruit. I walked five flights of stairs and a few miles every day, and stood for hours that week in various subways and subway stations.

I stayed in a cramped room with five other girls and orange walls. I dodged a leaking sink every morning and night. I broke a shower door. I slept in the JFK airport at 3 AM in the morning.

I endured freezing wind chills and snow.

I experienced paintings by Picasso. I browsed Tiffany's. I saw Phantom of the Opera.

I had an absolute blast... it's definitely in my Top 3 for mission experiences (you have to realize how many mission trips I've been on for that to sound pretty elite... just know that it is). But most importantly, what did I learn from my experience?

I must confess, I stopped having spiritual highs for every trip/retreat/camp/etc. that I went to a few years ago. I got to the point where those didn't really cut it anymore. Only an earth-shattering experience with Him unlike any other is going to give me that feeling of elation.

All that being said, I never experienced a high from this trip. I knew that God was using me but I didn't feel useful. I knew that I was potentially reaching people, but it didn't seem like it. And to me, more than passing out flyers or talking to people on the street or anything else, I felt the most engaged in reaching New York City when praying for the people there... which I can do right here! And not only can I pray for the people there here, but I can also pray for those here who need Him, and those elsewhere who need Him, in places I may never see.

This past Friday night, Garrett took me out to Red Robin. While we were sitting there waiting for our food, I saw a friend of mine from high school (he's younger though and is a senior this year) working there. I called his name and we spoke briefly. He didn't give me many details, but he told me that he had read The Case for Faith (the student edition), a book I had presented to because he seemed willing to read about any religion except Christianity, and said that he found it "informative". That in itself gave me joy and encouragement. Ever since I left that classroom, I've been praying for this guy. Not everyday, but whenever I think of him I pray for him. And it seems that now he is one step closer than he was the last time I saw him.

I can't believe how many times I've dismissed the power of prayer. And I'm so excited to witness a glimmer of how God is working through me in others' lives! If my only reason for living was to reach out to this guy, that would be fine. If that was all God had in His grand plan, it would be ok. And yes, I am pretty much just saying that, with hope that it isn't true, but I also sincerely believe that whatever I am living for, regardless of whether it seems big or small to me or others, is good enough for God, because He created me with a purpose in mind.

All that being said, I am seeing how God might want to use me here. There's that girl in one of my classes that really needs to experience His love. There's the final project in TV Production I am doing with John, Jolene, and Sully, that's going to be about a missionary. There's the documentary I feel like I'm supposed to make next summer for my honors thesis. There's my daily life I am to live for His glory in every way possible, even if it doesn't seem like much.

That's the challenge I have taken from New York. That's the part that matters: living as one who is sent in my daily life. I'm working on praying more, being a better witness, and listening...  listening to where God wants me to go. I don't want to fret anymore about tomorrow... He's got a handle on it. He's been taking care of me.

Speaking of which, in case you haven't heard the news, my dad got a new job! My family is so incredibly excited! It feels like we're finally getting settled here. So anyhow, now he's going to be working at MTSU, so we're also all centralized in one location, which is really neat!

One last word... if you're somewhere in life where you feel defeated by your circumstances, just look up. God's working behind the scenes for you... I promise. I've waited YEARS to see my dad get a job like this, and God has chosen this time to bless my family. And I know that His time is the best time. Waiting for the best is worth it... period.

Nathan Moore

March 18 2007
I so miss NYC... Good luck on your final project... I would love to see it when you are finished.

Ben Moser

March 19 2007
NYC has inspired me like nothing before. I feel like, for once in my life, God is revealin--little by little--my purpose for this world!