2006 Recap

January 14 2007
So, I realize that it has now been 2007 for 14 days, but I never really made any sort of blog post to commerirate the event, so that is what I aim to do now with some "best of" moments...

Ringing in the new year at the Moore's...

Doing 3 for the Son and getting to know some awesome 7th grade girls...

Valentine's Day...

Hanging out with the McPhee's...

Practicing for "The Hiding Place"...

Fun in the sun with friends...

Which included my two year anniversary with someone special...

Summer AO...

Two Damascus Road shows...


...especially the awesome log ride...

Switchfoot concert #1...

Garrett's family cookout...

Wrapping up the summer with goofiness and fun...

MTSU games...

Road trip fun...

Fall retreat and many new friends...

Time with him...

Hanging out with old friends when I needed it most...

Working on Collage with some great friends...

Switchfoot concert #2...

Thanksgiving and the Christmas season...

Ringing in the new year...

What I learned in 2006:
*Worrying and stressing are not worth it.
*There is absolutely nothing I can do that will make God love me any more or less.
*Growing up is about responsibility.
*Astronomy is evil.
*Being perfect is impossible and the effort to be such is completely futile.
*People change and will surprise you (both for the better and for the worse).
*People know what I stand for just by my actions.
*Having an approximately 180 lb. person fall on top of your head results in a knot that remains for two months.
*Video production can be tough, but the end result makes the process totally worth it.

What I hope to achieve in 2007:
*Love God more.
*Judge no one.
*Love people more.
*Write more.
*Make a parody movie (help me make this happen this summer).
*Stress/worry less.
*Exercise. At least a little bit...

the brian king kenobi

January 14 2007
this made me smile. i think i even laughed a couple times.