Another Day, Another Dollar

October 19 2006
So life since Fall Break...

I found out yesterday that I did not totally bomb my last astronomy test! YAY! It wasn't as good as I wanted (ok... it wasn't an A... but it wasn't a HIGH B either) but it was definitely an improvement over the first test.

Then today in EMC...
My professor, Dr. Bratten, began showing the photo/video projects that she liked the best... and she showed mine! Well... she almost did... tried to anyways... ha ha... the stupid PC didn't like my DVD! She didn't try the Mac or the DVD player (don't ask why...) but I suggested to her to try the latter next time (because she said she would try mine again along with other projects) so hopefully it will actually be shown... and with sound would be especially great. She showed one guy's video on the PC and the sound didn't work, which I thought was a bummer because, even though it's a story visually told, music can still add a very nice touch.

I also got my haircut today. And I like it! I like it today and don't have to wait two weeks to like it... ha ha... but of course it'll probably go into shock the next couple of days just to spite me. But what can you do?

Darn computers.
Darn hair.

*Quote of the week*
"Do you recognize me? I'm a friend of that witch you dated."
"I haven't dated any witches.You must have me confused with someone else."
"No, I'm quite sure it was you."
"By witch do you mean like, a Wiccan person?"
"No, I mean like a mean, horrible person..."
-a conversation between two random people as they were walking out of the business office

P.S. "Don't vote CROOKED, vote CORKER!"
Yeah, that's the campaign slogan I created for Bob Corker. I think he should use it.

But seriously, if you are able to vote, please vote for a man who is actually from our state and knows it, and didn't come from a family of crooks! He also has good ideas and has done great things for the city of Chattanooga! Just something to think about!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 19 2006
Corker is thoroughly unimpressive to me.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 19 2006
Ford's DAD was a crook. And just because Corker isnt a criminal doesnt mean he's a good politician (he isnt, Ford Jr. does a much better job selling his ideals), or a good person to have in congress.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 19 2006
Also, his Aunt and Uncle have been blah, and Ford Jr. hasnt been found involved in anything. *shrug*

Ben Moser

October 19 2006
Amy Powers, your profile photo makes me smile. It is really good!

the brian king kenobi

October 20 2006
your profile picture doesn't look like you . . . it's like, hott . . . :P

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 20 2006
Not to say that you're not pretty anyway, but I DID do a severe double-take when I saw that picture, lol


October 20 2006
i love the new pic! haha and that's definitely the quote of the week! :o)

Anna Miller

October 20 2006
Republican or Democratic, all politicians are crooks.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

October 21 2006
Funny thing of it is that Ford is actually reasonably moderate and has a pretty good Christian background. Equally funny is the fact that there is quite a bit more evidence of Corker being into shady dealings and crookery (my word, cant have it) than of Ford.