Surviving this Semester 101

September 22 2006
So... I totally bombed my astronomy test... it was bad. But, my teacher said that it would get easier, and that I really had no reason to stress over it right now. I do wonder if this means I should take the optional final at the end, which wouldn't be too horrible if it wasn't comprehensive. If it's the only final I would have to take though, well other sociology which would be a breeze, then I might would do. But I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

The good news is that I made high A's on both my sociology and EMC tests, so at least I'm not totally retarded. And I'm doing well in astronomy lab. We did the planetarium lab today and it was awesome. If only all of astronomy was about looking at stars and naming constellations (which I seriously thought it was! Boy was I wrong!) And I have no idea what's happening in Tennessee History... he just lectures, so I take the best notes I possibly can and we'll see where that leads in the future! No idea when we're taking our first test, but we have a book review due in early October... so I need to read that it this weekend.

Anyhow... I have been unusually peaceful today about the astronomy, and I totally credit that to God. Wednesday night He really broke me and it gave me a whole new perspective on His control. It was... so eye-opening, and I feel like it's really changing me... like maybe I am finally learning how to not freak out... how to sit back and really abide in Him. That is something I have rarely mastered before.

Also in Amy's world, I think I'm going to get an iMac instead of the MacBook Pro. I can get a more beefed up (filled up with all sorts of memory and hard drive space), more powerful iMac for less money than the MacBook Pro I was looking at. The only disadvantage to this decision is that I no longer have portability as an option, but before when I was looking at the Pros, I had viewed the portibility more as a bonus than a necessity.

My birthday's next Wednesday! Yay! I love birthdays... And considering that I will probably order the Mac early next week (due to Wes's suggestion to wait for the next Apple Event) I will probably have it on or shortly after my birthday! Happy Birthday to me! And then that weekend I will be shooting and editing for my first college video project! Excitement!


September 23 2006
its okay, I failed all my tests in A&P 2 and aced lab, and still managed to get a D in the course. So don't worry. You won't get an F!