Guess What?

August 28 2006
Class started today. Which I was looking forward to until the whole English class vs. history class dilemma arose. So while two weeks ago I was sort of excited about the new year, sometime last week that completely faded. I asked God to make it really clear when I sat in southern lit. if that was a class I would enjoy. Well... it wasn't clear... so maybe that means I wouldn't enjoy it. Sounded a little interesting and a little boring at the same time.

I like English, but in college it's kinda funky because the classes get to specific time periods or themes. If I could just take five lit. classes that covered whatever the heck the professor felt like from a wide range of authors and themes and time periods ...that would just be so much better to me. I flippin' loved 2030 (experience of lit). If I could take it five more times with the same professor but with different books and different names so I could get the fifteen hours I need for my minor... that would be fantastic.

So... despite the fact I said I wouldn't... I think I very may well go to Tenn. hist. tomorrow and check it out.

If it turns out I am taking Tenn. history instead of an English class, I am hereby vowing to devote myself to some sort of ministry at church, as well as throwing myself into production, both at home (yep, plan to buy a Mac sometime in the near future) and at MTTV. And right now, I'm thinking that maybe the best thing to do. What do you think? 

P.S. One of the reasons for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory's PG rating is for "quirky situations". I kid not, go check it out yourself!


August 29 2006
How can you tell if you like a class, with just sitting in the class for probably less than 30 minutes on one day. When they haven't even started lecturing over the material?

Nathan Moore

August 29 2006
quirky situations... such a good description though...