You Gotta Love Technology...

August 17 2006
-First, Windows Movie Maker disappeared from my computer.
-Then, after a week in MS with very little online contact, my router decides to be stupid and not work.
-Then, my computer and printer don't communicate.
-And then sometime last night, the student information system at MTSU decided to crash, thus resulting in much pandemonium this morning at work. Thankfully, I was able to bury myself in prenote checking.

Also thankfully, three out of the four above problems have been fixed. The one that was not fixed I worked around for the moment it was most crucial.

Ah, technology...

P.S. I may also have one of Dell's exploding batteries of doom... I've got to check for sure... and guess who made these defective batteries? SONY! Figures!

the brian king kenobi

August 18 2006
well, sony at least makes good cameras. nemanja dropped his down a mountain and it still worked. mostly.