
August 12 2006
I think I missed a lot in the Boro while I was gone... for one, I came home to find 35 new entries, and it seem as if 20 of them were very vague and mysterious... hmmm...

So, I like change... sometimes. But not always. I guess growth is not so bad (though it can hurt), but anything that seems to have the opposite effect, shrinking I suppose, really stinks. Watching my grandfather going downhill just kills me inside, because I think about the way he used to be. Now I suppose all I can do is pray that soon he will be in peace in heaven.

Finding Alice by Melody Carlson is an amazing book. I want to make it a movie.


August 12 2006
sometime i think that it's almost impossible to find a happy madium between change and shrinking..because you can never stay the same..