Heck yeah.

July 31 2006
So, for those of you who have had to hear me complain lately about my low wages at work will be glad to know I got a 25 cent raise! It's been for like a week or so, but I just discovered it and, needless to say, was quite happy indeed. Work is getting crazier everyday as fall approaches.

The music video for the contest has been sent off today. Pray hard!

I wanted to share this C.S. Lewis quote: "We don't need more Christian books, we need more Christians writing good books." That really speaks to me. I actually am interested in writing books some day, and some of them probably would be Christian books, but this quote was encouragement that I can just write a really cool story or produce a really awesome film, and it doesn't have to preach in order for it to reflect God's glory. I can include elements of my faith without it being blantantly obvious and scaring people away. Sometimes I'll complain about how almost everything on TV is so corrupt, and to think... I can just make good shows one day and help change that. People may not fall on their knees and pray to God as a direct result of that, but maybe I can make people think about values and such. Anyhow, I just liked it and felt like sharing.


July 31 2006
yay for raises!! lol