Deuteronomy 2:7 For Me

July 11 2005
Last night, I was reading Deuteronomy 2 and verse 7 popped out at me. You see, yesterday morning and last night Satan was throwing a lot of guilt my way. I know that guilt comes from Satan and conviction from God, but I felt like maybe somewhere buried in the guilt may have been some conviction. I was praying and I did feel a conviction. When God convicts, it may hurt, yet it's also beautiful, healing, restoring, and captivating. He was working on my heart, whispering to me how special I was to Him, how much He loved me, desired me... He was asking to me to give Him my troubles, and He would help me overcome them. He told me to not worry and to completely abide and rest in Him, and that He would take care of everything.

And He gave me Deuteronomy 2:7. I changed a few of the words to redirect the focus from the Israelites to me:

The LORD my God has blessed me in all the work of my hands. He has watched over my journey through many rough times. These 18 years the LORD my God has been with me, and I have not lacked anything.

I have not lacked anything. Why? Because God is all I need. How foolish it is of me to think otherwise.


July 11 2005
Sometimes we forget. It is good to be reminded. :-)


July 11 2005
She's right *points up*


July 11 2005
that's awesome! and so right!

the brian king kenobi

July 12 2005
in response to your comment: "poooooooooor powers"