Adjusting to Change

July 10 2005
Satan did a pyschological number on me this morning. I hate Satan.

I think I may be ready for some change. Not a huge, drastic change, just a little change... well... if you can call college a little change... ha ha... but I'm ready to go.

It's weird though, because I'm still not comfortable in the AO Sunday school class, and I'm actually wary of AO itself. And it's not even like I want to stay in youth forever... I don't know what it is.

It doesn't usually take me this long to adjust to change. Maybe I just don't like the fact that I'm a freshman again. Maybe it just makes me feel small, young... maybe even insignificant. Maybe I feel like the older college kids are way wiser than me, that I won't be able to connect with them, that they won't like me...

But that's a bunch of crap from Satan! I mean really, I already have a few older college kid friends, and they aren't like that at all. I need to stop being so negative and stop believing Satan's lies.

By the way Brian, I planned out your college path for you. After you left my house last night, I randomly flipped through my college catalog and placed my finger to your future. Just so you know, you're supposed to major in marketing and minor in leadership studies... LOL... ok, probably not, but Amy, Graham, and Garrett and I all had fun with the idea anyways!


July 10 2005
im not fond of change either but i guess ill get used to it!!! lol!!!


July 10 2005
Change can sometimes be good. But sometimes not. Heh, I wish choosing everything were that simple.

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

July 10 2005
Broccoli. So yeah.


July 10 2005
i'm just glad that we went ahead and went into ao this summer b4 it is a lot easier w/ so few people.

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 10 2005
Praise God that you're able to see through Satan's stupid lies. Anything that jerk has to say is probably a lie, and he's called the father of lies. I wonder why it is, then, that so many of us (myself included) fall prey to his crap? *sigh* I don't know, but I'm glad we have Jesus to pull us up out of that pit. I had fun last night. So, Garrett actually did come back from the gas station? lol.


July 10 2005
hey! I havn't seen you in forever! You haven't changed much though, still very pretty. I guess alot of people use this site and stuff thats pretty cool. Well i guess i'll talk to you later!

the brian king kenobi

July 10 2005
well thank you, amy powers. that certainly simplifies things.

Anna Miller

July 10 2005
Oh man, I don't mind being a freshman again at all, as long as it means I'm not in high school anymore-- which we're not, so YAY!

the brian king kenobi

July 10 2005
and could you e-mail me the picture of myself from before riverdale prom when we were at that coffee house . . . i'm sitting down. and i'd also like the one of the Jesus statue from the convent.