I Wish I May, I Wish I Might...

March 29 2006
* I wish I knew how to witness to Mormons effectively.

* I wish I knew everything about history so I didn't have to study for tomorrow's test.

* I wish I could just go out and make a movie.

* I wish school was out.

* I wish I could keep hanging out with people from school even when school is out.

* I wish I had more time, and that I knew how to use it effieciently.

* I wish I wasn't so judgemental and critical of people.

* I wish I would just completely devote myself to Christ and not worry.

* I wish I had more options, or better options, for my classes next semester.

* I wish I had some answers.

* I wish people would understand me.

* I wish I did not have two tests, a project, and a speech on Monday.

What do you wish for?

Anna Miller

March 29 2006
Witness at opportunities. . . always keep in mind it isn't your job to make the person grow. Just plant the seed. I wish I had a video camera, lol. And I wish this cynical side of me would go away. As for being understood. . . I think the keep to that is to first be understanding.


March 30 2006
I wish I could see myself the way Christ sees me. I wish speaking in front of my comm. class would be easier and less nerve-wracking. I wish I could show the love of Christ more effectively to others. Ah, soo many wishes.