Muy Excellente

March 22 2006
It has been a fabulous day, I must say! Things are looking pretty good in Amy's world, and God has definitely been answering some prayers...

I think I totally aced my pysch test, despite what little study time I had.

The show last night was great. It helped me realize that TV is not so bad after all if you can get in something that isn't corrupted, and live TV can actually be kind of cool. It's like in one night, a whole new possibility of careers opened up to me as I realized that I could produce a show like that if that's what I needed to do to start out. And yes, I would produce. When I was younger I dreamed of directing, but now I am in love with the idea of producing. And I really plan to get involved with MTSU's channel in the future. My friend Jolene and I want to take over it actually, and have like Anna and another friend of mine help us revolutionize the station to have shows that people, especially MTSU students, will actually want to watch.

Speech class was cancelled. Awesome beyond words.

And I'm starting to enjoy my EMC class, and the people in it.

Life is good for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, yet I am convinced that God is still actively working, despite my doubts at times that maybe He has no plans for me, because He most certianly does, so Satan can take that and eat it. And that was totally a William Faulkner sentence. Actually it wasn't long enough...


March 24 2006
Hey Amy! I'm sorry I got your message so late. I can't come to the play tonight....I have this huge speech in my Comm. class due next week that I haven't even started on.yikes! Hopefully we'll get to hang out soon though.