Pasta Puppy

July 02 2005

photo from SingAHappySong

This is a non-humanoid alien creature from the original Star Trek series. It looks like a volcanic rock in this picture, but on the show it looked like a huge puppy covered in sausage, sauce, and cheese. Therefore, Garrett and I named it Pasta Puppy!

I watched Phantom of the Opera again. That movie blows me away... the music is incredible...

Today I get to go to Garrett's annual family cookout. This should be fun... I went last year as well. Garrett's dad and I almost beat Garrett and his cousin (who have a reigning dynasty) in the water balloon toss last year... watch out Garrett...


July 02 2005
haha! have fun! & good luck w/ beating garrett & his cousin! that'd be awesome lol

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 02 2005
Hey!! I remeber that episode! That was a cool whatever it was. Pasta puppy? lol. I like it.