I Just Keep Going and Going...

June 26 2005
So yesterday morning and early afternoon I was happy. Then I was cranky. Then I was OK. Then I was cranky again and began plotting a sermon I was going to type here. I went to bed but had trouble sleeping. I woke up cranky. I went to church cranky and kept asking God to take it away from me, to fill me up with His joy. I remembered what Amber and Michael said Wednesday about worshipping God despite how you feel (and despite the fact that everything in the service is extremely kiddy because of VBS...) I was a judgemental mess all morning. I found a problem with pretty much everything and everyone. And then I was ok when I listened to Rom Moore preach. I thought ok I'm finally focusing on God. Then I was ok when we sang... and then the mood of the offering was interrupted and I wanted to scream!!! I realized I was seriously under attack...
I'm ok again for now. I'm learning to pray throughout the day through all circumstances. This past week has been insane. I've learned to trust God through the rough times, praise God through the good times, and that God is always moving even when things seem off-centered. I also saw the wisdom of God revealed to me through little children... one thing I did right this morning was recognize the precious and simple faith of little children. I need more of that in my life... and I guess that's what God is teaching me.


June 26 2005
*hugs* be happy again

Rachael Moore

June 26 2005
amy i love you! i completely understand the whole up and down thing! this time in my life has been extremly hard. one minute i am fine, trusting God then here comes the attack and right along with that a bad mood. i know the feeling of being under spirtual attack. just call that devil a liar annd keep pressing on. if you ever need to talk i am here to listen! i will be praying for you! hope you have a great night!