One of the Most Adventerous Days I've Ever Had...

December 31 2005
Whoo boy what a day.

Who would have thunk it?

So last night, I went to Jessica Layne's wedding. I actually don't know her, but Garrett's family does so I was his wedding date. Anyhow, the wedding was so beautiful and nice and made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I went to another wedding today. Since Garrett went to Knoxville this morning, it was just Mom and me. The wedding was for an old co-worker of Mom's from Houston, who also happened to move to TN a few years ago. He and his newlywed work in the Cool Springs Lifeway now. Anyhow, so the wedding was in Columbia. And in case you've never been to Columbia, let me tell you, this place is IN THE STICKS! Seriously... it was podunk. We only found the church (and on time) by the grace of God alone!

So, here we are, at this random country wedding in Columbia in this old, small church with wooden pews. The ceremony is simple and not quite as nice as the one from yesterday. So who would think that of all the people in the universe that MICHAEL W. SMITH would be doing the benediction? Yeah. Apparently they're buddies with him. Go figure, right? *FAINTS*

Anyhow, so I was like freaking out during the whole service. "I'm at a wedding with Michael W. Smith. I'm in the same room as Michael W. Smith." Holy Moley. I wouldn't get starstruck with very many movie stars I don't think, but he's a legend in Christian music. He's an icon. Who cares if I don't even listen to his music all that much?

So yeah, I got my picture taken at the reception. Thanks to mom. Ha ha. I couldn't bring myself to talk to him without my mom saying something. But he was standing behind us in the cake line (he likes chocolate cake in case you were wondering) and Mom was like so hey... can we get a picture? So when the photo uploading comes back, I will definitely post the picture. It was really funny though. He shook my hand and was like, "I'm Michael." And I was like, "I know who you are!" Craziness.

So after that...

We went to the Cool Springs Galleria because I wanted a new outfit for tonight. So we arrived at Parisian at 5, saw an adorable black party dress, and suddenly here, "the store is closing NOW." What the heck?! Party poopers. Then we realize that the rest of the mall is closing at 6. Grrreat. If you've never tried to buy a complete outfit in one hour, you should some time. It's an experience. But we did it. Minus shoes that we got at the Boro's Target. If you've ever seen the Look for Less on Style network, what Mom and I experienced was a whole lot like that show!

So anyhow...

*Big breath*

How was your last day of the year?

Adieu, 2005... it's been a pretty good year...


January 01 2006
wow! that is an adventure! 2 weddings, Michael W. Smith, & shopping in an hr flat... :o) sounds fun! & i like the pic! happy new year!

Matt Beck

January 01 2006
cool stuff

Ben Moser

January 02 2006 jealous.