
October 20 2005
First off... wow... I am IN LOVE and I AM LOVED! The Creator of the Universe cares for me so much that he has been captivating me these last couple of days with beautiful red and orange leaves. I love it! I feel like the falling leaves are a show just for me, a whisper from Him saying, "I love you so much; this is for you."

Also, I'm encountering Him in new ways. I've been a Christian for approximately 11 1/2 years, and in that time period it is very easy to kinda forget about how big and awesome God is. But lately He's just speaking to my heart and bringing joy into my life. This Wednesday I was stressing out over something as usual, and on the way to church I could hear His voice stirring my heart: "Let's talk." And just to hear Him reassure me that I have no reason to worry as long as I abide in Him... ah yeah... it was just an amazing peace.

On the way to church Wednesday night and then at church when the speaker mentioned Psalm 37:4, this question rose up within me: "What makes you alive?"

So... what makes you come alive my friend? It's a pretty deep question if you really think about it...

Other encounters today: I banged on Eddie Sally's car and nearly gave him a heart attack, I had a long talk with Jessica Goss, and Garrett and I watched a Chinese movie for extra credit (for our Understanding Mass Media class). I took a crazy write-till-your-hand-falls-off English midterm, but feel pretty confident about it. I studied geology in the library with my iPod and it made all the difference in the world. For these past couple of days I've been noticing the simple things, and those have made me feel more alive...

Last night after church I was hanging out with Garrett and Page, and they were going back and forth making fun of how big and fast and much I write, and it was just sooo hillarious. It made me feel alive.

Watching the leaves fall makes me feel alive.

An awesome photo shoot with Anna makes me feel alive.

Watching the Houston Astros celebrate their first trip to the World Series makes me feel alive.

Listening to music makes me feel alive.

Worshipping God makes me feel alive!!!

What about you?

Jessica Goss

October 20 2005
Well....it sounded like a black person name!


October 20 2005
yea.. fall is amazing. i love the temp, the color of the leaves, them falling and getting to play with them. carving pumpkins, beautiful sunsets, they seem prettier in the fall. Fall is cool!


October 21 2005
wow, i don't thnk i really know you, though you go to rhs like me. you're post is deep, and im happy for you.


October 21 2005
Your post made me smile. especially because you mentioned my favorite bible verse ever...Psalm 37:4 :) God is so good to us isn't He? Have a great week Amy! :)