Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Fresh pressed suit and tie

February 08 2008

Yep, Phusebox is losing steam. Or maybe I'm just not as active with it as I used to be. The latter, yes.


I guess the reaon I don't update is because I SEE most of you daily, if not weekly. If you're not up to date with my goings on... there's a communication problem we need to fix.


I've officaily started planning for my 18th birthday, sent off college applications, got a 22 on the ACT, need to get a drawing of my tattoo so I can get it soon (WOO!!, and start working on the Skitzo 

script (I'm writing the play). Basically I'm living like a crazy person about to graduate high school. Which is what I am. Makes sense.