Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question


June 21 2007

I've basically spent the past week watching movies. That and I turned in another application. So here are some of my favorites and what I think of them...


Howl's Moving Castle- All hail Miyazaki! Not so sure about the voice actor, but everything else was amazing.


Bridge To Terabithia- Watch it with a box off tissues handy, the ending will make you sad. I sniffled a little. Great everything else.


Stomp The Yard- I was ready to kill either myself or who ever came up with the idea for the movie 10 minutes into it. It was your typical dance movie, which is sad.


RENT- I will always adore this movie.


Dazed and Confused- If I have to watch this movie one more time...


Oceans 13- WWAAAHHOOOO!!! Great movie, I order everyone to go see it. It's not an option.


So yeah, there were others, but I don't think you want to know exactly how lazy I've been.  On another tangent, I've been wanting to learn how to play either the piano or the drums, any input?