Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Do I trust this dialect to convey the right effect?

April 13 2007

I've very recently fallen in love with that song... it's all Ryan's fault.he's the one that thought I'd enjoy a song with my name in it. Go figure. By the way the song is "Dear Jamie, Sincerely Me"  by Hellogoodbye.

Ryan (while I'm thinking about it) is my pet emo kid. Yes, I have a pet emo kid. I'm just trying to figure out what to feed him, at first I thought about black cookies and red punch, but that won't be enough to sustain him. These emo kids are touchy critters. Any suggestions?

Pa and Nana are going home for the weekend, I think Pa misses his sattelite dish. But he only has to take 6 radiation treatments instead of the original 10. Woo-hoo! They should be back on Sunday night, but I'm not sure when.

Fine Arts is in almost 2 weeks, and I'm not done with my drama solo, eep! I'm not sure how well it's going to turn out. None of you are allowed to laugh.

I'm only a little bored and mildly sleep deprived, and when I get home I have to do a whole mess of chores. That's not to say my laundry isn't high on my priority list, it's just not my first idea of how to kill a Friday night. If I get done with all of it, I may just curl up on the couch, pop in a DVD, and crash.