Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

I'm okay!!

April 02 2007

People keep asking me if I'm okay, so I'm just putting it out there that I'm fine. So please stop asking!!!

Sunday was... interesting. I'll admit it was fun to play with the fake blood, but that stuff smelled so BAD! My hands are stained red.

Saturday was great. Pretty cars!!!!!!!! There was a Stingray, it would've taken me maybe two minutes to hotwire I swear. But the Mustang was prettier, it sounded nice. Of course the lady in the Mercedes that nearly wound up getting t-boned because she wasn't paying attention to the CHERRY RED car heading her way (how you couldn't see it coming I'll never know) may beg to differ.

 The woman just barrels out of a stop sign without looking, we about went off the road, no wait I think we did. Maybe a little. I was too busy trying to not develop a rather intense case of road rage, I did pretty good. She didn't even look back to see if the car was okay. Stupid Mercedes-bad- driving-owner.

I was the only one in my family to get a decent amount of sleep on Saturday night apparently. I did wind up missing Sunday School, but I saw the second service. Everyone did good; the Mullanes were funny, I'm getting a little sick of "Stranger", the crucifiction was good, Chris died well (looking thoroughly beat up), and I made Cami break charecter.  It was more fun backstage, I'll probably be helping back there next week again.

Now it's Monday. Not much has happened so far, it's only second period.Grandparents are gonna be here next week (change of plans) and I'm pretty sure they'll bring an entourage.