Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

I'm back in my skin!!!

January 13 2007

And it's not crawilng!! Yay!!

I still have no voice, but it's been serving me well. I've been able to just sit on the couch and do nothing all day. Well, until mom told me to clean my room... which I did.

It looks really freakin' cool now, I put up a few more candle holders. I'm eventually going to get the painting done, I just don't know when, grrr.

I even made myself a little snuffer, I got that bored. I'm really nifty that way, all it took was a medicine cap 9the kind your parents use to give you the medicine) a black and silver dowel rod, aluminum foil, and some craft wire. Go Me!!

Chris borrowed our drive way today, and I stole his CD case. I have Skillet and Three Days Grace now so woot. He seems to think I need to listen to Breaking Benjamin, I might just do that...

Chris Jensen

January 13 2007
yes you should...