Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

I look so emo right now...

December 06 2006

My make-up is all smudgy and emo looking! It's quite funny.

We finally did the play tonight! It was AMAZING!! I'm battle scarred now. Josh threw me down and opened up an almot healed sore on my arm, and I noticed it only 45 minutes later! Yes I'm that slow.

I'm dead tired but I just thought ya'll would like to know we're moving. Nooo we're not leaving town or FWC (you're stuck with us for a while), we're just getting a bigger house. It has trees for Jaime to climb and unleash her inner squirrel in. And one of the trees is like 300 years old or something, it's MASSIVE!!!

My room has the veiw of the house across the street that has it's Christmas lights cued to "Wizards of Winter". Go me!

I'm like dead tired and I need to go wash this mess off my face. Night All!


December 07 2006
yeah, the play WAS amazing! You guys did such a good job! I hope your arm heals up fast...you took one for the team!


December 14 2006
pish posh and apple-sauce!