Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Yankees amuse me.

November 18 2006

I'm proud of myself, I now officialy have FF7 in the official English dub. If I could just figure out how to splice the clips (it's on YouTube) together I'd have the movie. I have the Japanesse version with subtitales on You Tube as well, so if I could just get some time to sit down and get it all together...

I was up till maybe 4 in the morning last night, slept till maybe 10:30. then I got up and did absolutely nothing!! Now my sister (Pricela) and my brother-in-law (Tim) are here. Tim and dad are watching the Michigan/OSU game, Tim went To MSU and is absolutley going nuts. Michigan in down with 24 to 35 in favor of OSU. Apparently that's not cool in the world of MSU kids.

Just for the record, Tim's a yank. It's really funny to listen to him talk. Coke is pop, pronounced PAH-p. I'll have to say it tommorow, I'm getting a pretty good northern accent from making fun of him. And they said being a cruel mimic was a bad thing.

We have Celebration Sunday tommorow, I'm singing in the Youth Choir. Hahaha, it's been a while scince I sang in a choir. Okay so it was just last school year, but still.

We're going to see "Happy Feet" at the IMAX theater tonight. I'm sooooooo excited!!!  Don't push me because I'm close to the edge,. Cute little penguin.

Chris Jensen

November 19 2006
of course it's pop... coke is a specific brand of pop

*-*!~The One And Only Candace~!*-*

November 19 2006
Hey How Have You Been?!?!?!?! Love>3Love Candace***