Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

CHOW MEIN NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 03 2006

I just ate my weight in them. Yummy.

The Judgement is over, and it's a very bittersweet thing. On the last night we had a final walk through, we were just going to have fun. And fun was had by all.

I started my scene like I usually do, low voice and highly sarcastic. Then the party started, I chugged the remainder of the ginger ale in the bottle and jumped up on the chairs. The fight scene came along and dang it all I CLIMBED UP ONTO THAT TABLE!!!!!!!!! It still makes me happy just thinking about it.

I walked through the thing, Kenny jumped Will in the Hell scene, Hooper/Satan made the right choice in Heaven, we sang the ABC's after the car wreck, Zay popped up out of a body bag, and a whole slew of crazy random moments.

I'm watching the new Law and Order, creepy stuff man. This 14 year old killed a woman because she was Jewish, way creepy. Yeah, so can't wait to see how that plays out.

Casey Jones

1989 (?)-2006 , You picked us.

Becca Hicks

November 04 2006
haha...about my post: <br><br> we were lost in downtown atlanta with the TBQ team..haha..mrs jeana was stopping everywhere for directions and we always kept getting lost...so, to fill up the time, a group of us: me, marybeth jensen, adam rodrigues, and a few others.<br><br>it was really late at night..but it was soooo much fun!!

Becca Hicks

November 04 2006
wow. so i like never finished what i was saying...dang, that was weird. i jumped from one thought to another. sorry i'm so ADD today. lol<br><br><br>but that group of us wrote a story while we were going to find the hotel...haha, hope that made sense!!!<br><br><br>&hearts;, becca

Jessica Jo

November 06 2006
I'm really not a patient person either. It takes a lot of prayer...especially when you are trying to be patient and wait for God's will. It will come....with time. I love you Jamie. <3