Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

No Title This Time!!

September 27 2006

Today was SYATP, Josh Goad and I were the only ones there from FWC. That's okay though, we got free McDonalds for breakfast!! YUM!

  We started on The Crucibel in English today. I hate that stupid play! I did costumes for at at SA, and I was on the house staff. Translation: The dratted thing was bored into my skull 2 weeks in a row.  It's such a depressing play, no happy ending at all, unless you like it when people get hanged.

 On to better things.My sisters (the 19 year old) boyfriend came over on Monday. I love listening to him talk, he's from Michigan so he has the YANKEE accent (never thought I'd use the word Yankee to describe anything) and he's Scottish descent so throw that into the mix. It's hypnotizing, but funny at the same time. We watched an old Pauly Shore movie, Son-in-Law for those of you who are curious, so for the rest of the night he walked around saying  "Let's munch on some grindage!". First time he saw that movie for the record, anyways... you couple that with his accent and you've got some funny syuff right there boy-os.

Matt Hicks

September 27 2006
i'm 0000000000.15% FWC'n

Jessica Jo

September 29 2006
Have I told you how much I love you lately? Well. I do. *smiles* *huge hug*