Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Note to self: KILL ALL DUSTMITES!!

September 16 2006

I've been sneezing all day, ugh.

 So we finally got the computer fixed (and there was much rejoicing). I've got my own little section of hardrive, so my background totaly rocks, I went photobucket-ing.

Homecoming is next week, Meag drafted me to go to the afterparty with her and a bunch of other people (I don't even know where it is!!). Anyway the theme is some sort of a Disney rip-off, I'm going dressed as Belle for the dress up day. I'm excited!!

th_ththBeautyandBrains.jpg   th_ththbooks2.jpg  th_BeautyandtheBeastCircle.jpg 

th_icon58.jpg  th_0d9a6d07.jpg  th_alladinishot.gif

th_Aladdinblinkie2.gif  th_alladin.gif th_ththought.jpg th_thScarOven.jpg  th_thdancecopy.jpg  th_thdramamama.jpg

th_thrafiki.jpg    th_thugly.jpg  th_thkovu05.jpg

th_thskuttlehot.jpg  th_findme_icons-tlm.png   th_lilmermaid.gif 

th_thfoxthehound.gif   th_z54368492.jpg th_th8f9321a6.png  Actually I did it. Just felt like spreading some Disney love!!!!!!

Jessica Jo

September 18 2006
You are going to look BEAUTIFUL as Belle. And yes..I agree with you normality is boring. I love you bunches. <3

Jessica Jo

September 20 2006
Thanks for the comment. You are right. And just so you know......YOU are beautiful. <3