Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Whoever said "feel the burn" apparently never got a sunburn

May 27 2006

The back of my neck is so sunburned. It hurts like nobody's biz.

Mom woke me up early today, around 10 I think *grrr* so we could go trawling. Hmm, trawling is avery good word for it, meaning we went to other peoples yard sales and asked them if they wanted to donate thier leftovers to us for the sale next weekend. I learned lots of things today, like babby dolls that were made in the 70's have really creepy faces (their eyes are huge and they have eerie smiles).

I have Eric Clapton stuck in my head *I feel free,bum bum bum bum bumbadum*. Maybe it's because I HAVE NO MORE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah thats what I said.