Jamie Crabtree


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Siegel High


Good Question

In the onslaught of exausting days, Maroon5 has yet to let me down

May 19 2006

   I stole this from Karus, I like it. It's very pretty.

On to better and brighter things, I only have to take 2 finals and that's only because I missed a bunch of days. Haha, that's what you get for catching pnumonia (I will probably never be able to spell that right), they're easy classes so I'm not worried.

My friend Leslie and I are starting on a new hobby, belly dancing of all things. We did some research on it, turns out it's excellent for a work-out. We've been wanting to do something enjoyable, neither of us can stand just being there and doing mindnumbing reps, so we checked out yoga, pilates, and cardio (none of that worked). We thought about it, we like to dance (We're pretty good, betcha didn't know I took ballet for like 9 years), we want to do something fun, a friend of mine used to belly-dance (when she was in her 20's) and she said she was in the best shape of her life, it's actually not all sleazy like people think it is, and you get rock hard abs without the annoying bulk that comes along with your basic work out (it makes us tiny-framed girls look odd).

Interesting you may say, well yes it is.AFTERTHOUGHT: I might be going with her to Ren-fest this weekend, woot woot!