Jamie Crabtree


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Siegel High


Good Question

Let The Record Show.... I Hate Athsma... And My Choir Teacher

May 15 2006

It puts me in a terrible mood, along with the whole can't breathe and coughing up a lung deal.

 Yeah, some of you may find the following rants funny.Other may just sit here and shake their heads, the rest will just gasp in horror.

 We had to practice for the end of the year concert in class today, and because I had an athsma attack last night, I was coughing every 5 seconds. Well, you need the caffene in Coke to keep your lungs circulating, obviously I had on very close by. She (being Ms. Gregory) had a hissy fit.

G:"Jaime, you cannnot drink that in this room!"

J:"Ms. Gregory, I need this."

G:"No you don't, you just think you do."

J:"I had an athsma attack last night, I need caffene to keep my lungs circulating. Otherwise, you're gonna have a dead body in the class. I'm sorry, no disrespect intended, but I really do need this."

G:"Ugh, *eye rolling*. I'm going to need to see a note about that one from a doctor"

J(thinking in my brain): "Bite me"

Yeah, I kinda got testy today, but that was before I had a coughing fit and about keeled over. She may have learned her lesson, but she's about as hardheaded as I am.

~Later that evening~

  I'm late to the concert, so I just shoved on my combat boots and go. Okay, maybe I was being a little spite full, okay fine, I was being very spitefull. she said to wear heels, the boots have heels. Were waiting to go on and this girl Candy (whom I really can't stand, for details, ask me later) saw my shoes. this is our conversation;

C: oh my Gosh!! Jaime Crabtree what are you wearing on your feet?!??!! (say it with a whiny, psuedo Southern accent and that's how she sounds)

J: My boots, like 'em? *lifts up dress to show them off* (spitefull little me)

C: girl, do you have any brain cells?

J: Yeah I do. I just felt like wearing my boots tonight, so here they are.

C: Are you gonna be in choir next year?

J: HECK NO!! ( I hate that class worse than any other)

C: Well good. *Mumbles something I can't hear, causing the girls that did hear it freak out with "Oh my God, CANDY!!"s.

J: Candy, come and get me.*Spoken very scarily* (Not exactly the best thing to say, but she's seen me wail on people before. I could take her, despite the fact that she easily outweighs me.)

So that about sums up my day. Alot of coughing, singing off key, and getting very angry at people. That usually means tomorrow is going to be a very good day.

~To the Seniors: Kim, Jaleah, Stacy, Steven, Jenny, David, and anyone else I may have left out. YOU GUYS ROCK MY SOCKS!!!!!~