Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

Star Wars (the lost episode): Attack Of The Chairs

April 27 2006

 Yeah, we were at church, cleaning up after Wednesday Night Live. Which, by the way, detailed us performing some stuff from Fine Arts. Our HV is most likely to advance, so is the chior, but I have my doubts about the ensemble I'm in.

   Any way, back on topic, I was moving these chairs. All of a sudden, I fall over and in the process take the chairs with me. So i'm buried underneath these chairs and I hear Kenny going "Oh, my God!!", so I shove some of the chairs off my head (which by the way has a few knots on it now) and sit up. I looked at Kenny and said "Well, that was interesting,"

  I popped back up and moved the chairs, Gus made me do some sort of a thing where I follow his finger with my eyes, but I told him I was fine. I am, just still laughing at the look on their faces is all.

Karus Bittner

April 28 2006
Thats horrilbe...But im glad ur okay love ya