Jamie Crabtree


Relationship Status



Siegel High


Good Question

IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

April 24 2006

Finally, after all these years of trying and failing, I've done it!!! Using only a can of genaric brand spray cheese, a hamster named Bologna, and a 4 watt light blub, I Jamie, have created a phusebox!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!

Yes I'm a spaz, but you guys knew that already.

Isaiah Jensen

April 27 2006
Congratulations....I can definately see the effects of the cheese.....

Jamie Crabtree

April 27 2006

Isaiah Jensen

April 27 2006
I was only joking although you do need to change your profile pic

Isaiah Jensen

April 27 2006
oozing huh? you really should get that looked at

Isaiah Jensen

April 27 2006
ahh yes the killer chairs you alway's have to watch out for those