
June 15 2005
you know what i hate....i hate when people tell you aren't good enough.like with me im not like extremely skinny or anything but im not big or as some people put it "fat".like people you don't even know you're just out in public and guys being really rude and saying rude comments and just being mean for NO reason.....this is my response to all the people saying you have to be skinny in order to be beautiful.....
you know what, the outside appearance does not tell you wether a person is beautful or not.i am the way GOD intends me to be and im happy with that why can't you be.yes i know there are people out there that would say different but i think people have all kinds of different beautiful features about them.beauty should not be about the physical appearance but about the beauty that shines through the person.GOD made everyone beautiful and GOD made us different shapes and sizes so get over it boys.
i think that it is so stupid that the media has to tell us what beauty is why can't you figure it out for yourself.i don't understnad media these days and media is the reason why so many young people have eating disorders and stuff like that.the only reason i think you should lose weight is if you are over weight otherwise be happy with yourself.

okay yeah i know this is long but it something that i just had to get off of my chest....im tired of being told im not good enough when in fact I AM GOOD ENOUGH.i am PERFECT the way i am.

my def. of beauty:
the glow that comes from within.....personality....looks have nothing to do with it....it all has to do with who you are and how you feel....confidence.....you have to be true to yourself.....


Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 16 2005
Well, even though it kinda runs against the whole "good enough, inside beauty" premise of your post, just thought I'd throw it out there that at least one person thinks you're pretty. Have a great day.

Sarah Vermillion

June 16 2005
Big chicks are hott. ESPECIALLY us. We should start a club. ^_^


June 16 2005
Whoever said that you were fat is a RETARD...

Donald Allen

June 18 2005
i think that you are absolutely beautiful!!!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 18 2005
any time