Another day in Paradise

June 06 2005
hey guys i just got this and wow this is totally awesome i hope you all like my site and stuff.thanks becky for telling me about this place it's pretty awesome. well i had an awesome day today it was pretty movies the pool dinner and marble slab it was awesome.....


Becky A.

June 06 2005
Awww! I'm lovin it! Guess what...we don't have to work tomorrow!

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 06 2005
I agree, dunthink it'd be too much fun to fall. But I'm feeling like I'm being shoved. You are cool.


June 06 2005


June 06 2005
hey i went to marble slab too

Sam-Graham Jinn (Graham Wells)

June 06 2005
so did I

Sarah Vermillion

June 06 2005