Abby Dee


Relationship Status



Oakland High School

leAd foot...

June 25 2005
okay so... driving makes me want to throw up...
and i start Driver's Ed in LESS THAN TWO DAYS! -gasp- Sarah V made me feel alot better about it, though (because she's so good at that) but that doesn't change the fact that i'm a HORRIBLE driver.. i feel for my driving buddy.........{yikes}

Sarah Vermillion

June 25 2005
You'll be fiiiine, darling. ^_^ My driver's ed teacher was awesome. NOTHING phased her. I'd almost run off a BRIDGE or something and she'd be all, "Bah, it happens. That's why I have my own brake." You'll get better. Drivers Ed was when I LEARNED how to drive. I didn't know how before.

Brett Tenpenny

June 26 2005
you mispelled lead... but, its ok. i cant spell either.

Abby Dee

June 27 2005
WOAH! i totally did spell that wrong.. it was probably one of those things where you just type ahead of yourself and forget a few letters >