Paul Morgan


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LEE University

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December 13 2005
Do people not realise that there is a god who LOVES them.
Loves them enough to go through pain for them. If you were a king would you be beaten for your servant. Here's how it is:
God made you
God loves you
God died for you but came back to life so that he had controle of death
He, if you chose to follow and acknowledge him, will let you go to heaven
He loves you
He gives me something to look to when I don't know what to do
Someone who gives me answers to life's hard questions
Someone to make me feel ok.
He gives me peace.
He loves you.

Chris Slate,

December 13 2005
yeh... dont remember... sue me

kelsey shearron

December 13 2005
OMG AMEN PAUL gunna splurge here..i just want you to know that youre not alone at school...i am in love with my maker and i get soooo discouraged at schoool, because i feel like a little light in a huge catastrophic amout of so sorry i havent been in one club but im just not motivated to go..heh.. but anyways..yea.. i know how you feel and i definitely understand -kels

Jessica Jo

December 14 2005
I just wanted to thank you again for singing that song for me. Have a wonderful week Paul.

the brian king kenobi

December 16 2005
good stuff, man. and why do i get angry eyebrows?


December 16 2005
preach it paul! lol*


January 03 2006